Private parties

Create unforgettable moments with our custom-designed private events. Whether you are planning an intimate get-together or a large-scale corporate celebration, we have you covered. From decorations and entertainment to logistics and venue selection, we will ensure that your private event reflects your style and concept. Add sophistication and excitement to your event with games such as poker, baccarat or roulette, ensuring that your event is a memorable one for all guests.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to your most frequently asked questions

What games does your company provide for the event?

We offer a wide range of classic casino games including Blackjack, Poker, Roulette and Baccarat. Choose the ones that are right for your event!

Do you need any previous gaming experience to participate in your events?

Absolutely not! Our professional croupiers will help newcomers learn the rules and instruct all participants to ensure that everyone feels comfortable.

How long does the event last and what is included in the price?

The duration of the event can vary depending on your preferences, but is usually 3-5 hours. The price includes games, croupiers, equipment and necessary accessories.